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Easter Thoughts 2020 from the Internet.
The German-language document you may find here!
Sunday, 29.03.2020
From the Gospel
Then the deceased came out; his feet and hands were wrapped with bandages, and his face was covered with a face-cloth. John 11:44a
It is not a fantastic story. No, the Gospel of the raising of Lazarus is a profound text of faith. It speaks of the incomprehensible power of life that came into this world with Jesus Christ.
Lazarus in the tomb: That is also us. Jesus' call also goes out to us: ""Lazarus, come out!"" (Jn 11:43).
Come out of your rigor mortis! Come out of the increasingly narrow world of your private desires and dreams, out of your self-sufficiency, your imprisonment in your small or large possessions that basically own you!
Come out of all that shackles your hands and feet - as with Lazarus - where your face is covered. Come out and let yourself be freed to the paschal life, to the gift of eternal Easter! [...]
The history of this gift ever began for us with the actual Dies Natalis, with the all-important birthday in our baptism, and it endures for eternity.
Heinz Josef Algermissen, Bishop emeritus of Fulda
Thoughts to a Clerical Appointee
My person has looked at the biography of the above-mentioned bishop and would also like to be allowed to announce with pride that his words and actions really endure and can only come from the spirit of truth and right, which is and remains firmly anchored in the faith of a Roman Catholic Christian!